R2D2 and C-3P0 from the movie Star Wars stand ready for battle. They are chess set figures from 2004–2005.
R2D2 & 3-CPO, figures in the Star Wars Saga Edition Chess Set, stand ready to battle.

A Holly-Jolly, Very Thrifty Christmas

4 min readDec 11, 2024

Make your Goodwill luxury gift list & check it twice

’Tis the season of holiday gift guides, friends. They promise the “Best of Anything You Want for the Person Who Has Nothing/Everything.”

I love ’em. They remind me of waiting for the Nieman Marcus Holiday Book, filled with glamorous, luxurious clothing, furs and jewelry. The Holiday Book presented the pre-teen me with agonies of anticipation second only to the arrival of Sears’ Spring/Summer Catalog, which provided glorious hours of composing imaginary wardrobes.

So I was trolling Vogue’s 2024 gift guide — 100+ Gifts for All the Women in Your Life — when it hit me: I could offer you a gift guide of my own inventory of thrifted luxury items. I may not be Bergdorf Goodman, but I do stock sublime silk neckties, cushy cashmere sweaters and jackets in supple suede.

Vogue touts a Prada Medium tote in Saffiano leather for $4,700. I’ve got a Tory Burch York Saffiano tote in seafoam green for $165. The magazine suggests Tod’s leopard-print driving loafers for a mere $895. For $70, I counter with a pair of magenta Cole Haan suede driving loafers in size 8.5 that will make your Palm Springs outfit pop.

What’s Your Secondhand Style?

A photo of a jumble of colorful sneakers
Sneakers, we’ve got lots of sneakers!

Luxury at retail is so déclassé, don’t you agree? After all, if you’ve got the dough, you can buy whatever you want — including the $21,000 limited edition, crystal Lalique perfume bottle which Forbes says will be “a stunning addition to any étagère.” On the other hand, you could buy a Memphis Design-inspired hand-blown art-glass vase from me for a very reasonable $130. Nearly 2 feet tall, it’s stunning — but the price isn’t.

Do you want to throw down your AmEx Platinum for Oprah’s favorite, the $395 Icon Hy-Heel Sneaker. High-heeled sneakers? Really? I’ve got a His and Her sneaker special: Red Vans Off the Wall sk8-hi shoes and Vans Old Skool sneakers in marigold orange for $35 each. Vans skate shoes are gender free — whoever they fit wears them.

Do you prefer game boards to skate boards? Nieman Marcus sells Judith Lieber’s one-of-a-kind Couture Crystal Mahjong set, a mere $20,000, “bound to dazzle opponents and fellow style enthusiasts.” My counter? A complete Star Wars Saga Edition Chess set (pieces only, not the board). On the Light side, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Queen and Yoda is King. On the Dark side, Darth Vader is Queen, with Supreme Leader Snake as King.

Thrifting and flipping items suitable for gifting is a skill requiring specialized knowledge. I look for name brands with adequate cache and a degree of wear that implies old money insouciance and environmental sustainability, rather than desperate poverty. I want you to be happy with the vintage Coach bag I found for you to give your sister.

Secondhand Style is Sustainable

Well-dressed gentlemen and ladies wore stylish hats

The U.S. secondhand apparel market is expected to hit $70 billion by 2027, with the worldwide market reaching $350 billion. The secondhand market is so big that Walmart — yes, Walmart — has launched Walmart Pre-Owned, in collaboration with high-end partners.

Shopping to save the world (yep, that’s what you’re doing) is a challenge and a quest. It’s not for everyone. Finding an Aran Islands sweater requires pawing through racks and racks and racks of scratchy, ugly and poorly made abominations. For every burnished pair of men’s shoes, there are dozens of scuffed and misshapen pairs. Even serviceable items need to be washed or repaired.

Here’s the good news. You don’t have to spend your time or get your hands dirty seeking luxury items for less at your local Goodwill. You’ve got me out there foraging so you don’t have to. Think of me as your personal thrift shopper.

Have a thrifty, sustainable and very merry Christmas.

The author — also known as the ReSale Evangelista — thrifts, scavenges and never knowingly drives past a good resale shop.




Written by SantaBGirl

Writer, Collaborator & Idea Person: Traveling house-sitter, thrift-store denizen, resale maven and former newspaper reporter. Inspired by people and art.

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