Old Men You Have Betrayed Us

3 min readFeb 11, 2021
This caricature of Donald Trump was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo from Gage Skidmore’s Flickr photostream. The body was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo from Pete Birkinshaw’s Flickr photostream. The button was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo from SunyDay76 on Wikimedia. This caricature of Mitch McConnell was adapted from a photo in the public domain from the US Senate. The body was adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo from See-ming Lee
Former President Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky Comrades in Arms. Illustration by DonkeyHotey

The Leader’s lips are indigo. Drawn by the ghostly,

trembling hand of fate that tells, soundlessly, the tale

of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for thirty silver

coins. Mr. Minority Leader takes no lessons from Judas,

whose bowels erupted and cast him into Potter’s Field.

Machiavelli is his man, patron saint of power and

unrelenting lust. Silver will rot your lips, Mr. Leader,

invade your bowels, and corrode your grasp on power.

Do you feel the bile rising?

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa by Seth Boyle for Dickenson County News

His testicles hang low, chafing the skin of his

inner thighs, despite the firm embrace of cotton briefs.

Youth long ago abandoned those thin membranes and their

contents, leaving them slack and ineffective. No shame there —

age intrudes on everyone of us. But no excuses

for the slack membranes of your integrity, your withered

balls of rectitude, your servile complicity in abuse of

sacred vows, your infidelity in the service of power.

Old man, you have betrayed us.

Lindsey Graham, Senator from South Carolina. Art by DonkeyHotey

Oh, Lindsey! The ghost of John McCain bemoans your

faithless soul. Spineless little lickspittle in search of “relevance,”

you grovel and slither a path glistening with obsequious

devotion. Scared little man with bedroom eyes — what makes

you so afraid? John’s broken shoulders left him unable

to lift his arms and yet he carried you,

wrapped in the cloak of his integrity — which you

discarded like the wrapper of an ice cream bar.

Is the trash worth the treasure?

Representative Kevin McCarthy of California by DonkeyHotey

The base! The base! We must appease the base!

Scuttle and come together, obfuscate and avoid. An out!

Pretend it didn’t happen and, even if it did,

free speech is protected, no matter how seditious. Consider

that he’s gone, and how does that make sense,

to prosecute the absent, regardless of his guilt? Process

and technicalities, my friend, are allies in our quest

to put this mess behind us and move on —

move on and count the votes.

About DonkeyHotey’s art

The art of DonkeyHotey is a combination of caricature, photo collage and photo manipulation. The resulting work can be categorized as caricature, cartoon, illustration and art depending on the intent. His cartoons have been seen in BuzzFeed, Campaign for America’s Future, CBS MoneyWatch, Common Dreams, Daily Kos, Examiner.com, Fast Company, Esquire.com, Firedoglake, Forbes, In These Times, IPS, Mother Jones, Neon Tommy, The Guardian, The Jimmy Dore Show, Truthdig, and dozens of others. His work can be found at https://www.flickr.com/photos/donkeyhotey




Writer, Collaborator & Idea Person: Traveling house-sitter, thrift-store denizen, resale maven and former newspaper reporter. Inspired by people and art.